Sunday, December 4, 2011

Baby Bruce Farts in Public

Andy got up in Manchester and created
a pookah who told him all sorts of secrets.

The pookah is called 'Senior PNP Man'.
No name, no identification.
And now, Baby Bruce will tell the public
everything this imaginary character
told him.

He is now talking about the closing down
of the 'Free Zone' which exploited the
local people as if it was a great benefit.

He talked about Trafigura.

And he lied.

He went to Manchester to call the
And is taking advantage of the crowd.

He forgot to be Obama, and became
who he is, a loud mouthed brawling

Thirty minutes, attacking the PNP
no election day called yet.

It is a remarkably poor technique
to invent a pookah.

He is talking for 45 minutes....
now he goes into patois.

Enjoying the drama....overwhelmed
by the platform.

8:52 he declares nomination day
the 12th of December.

8:53: Election day 29th of December.

Fart and Look at the Other Guy

You learn it in Primary school.
Any time your lay a fart you immediately
look at the guy next to you.

The other kids, hearing or smelling it,
will turn around, see you looking at Mervin
and be sure he was the one who farted.

Depending on how mendacious you are you'll
use the ploy in later life.

And you'll be alert to when it is used by

When the JLP came to power, the focus on
PNP 'scandals' was designed to take eyes
off what was happening in about every
rip off realm.

Danville Walker's rule at Customs, for example
where Gov. connected people could import and
export without paying tariffs, being checked
or having to go through process was one of
those farts.

The public only became aware of one strange
action which was covered up easily; that
is the importation of motor vehicles which
were supposed to be auctioned but were
instead sold to a 'government' agency....
so stated, but not in truth.

The kickbacks received by JDIF are enormous
and the resignation of Mike Henry (along with
others)is supposed to truncate investigation.

Hibbert, who had long been on the kickback
line for this kind of project had been
caught out, so stepped down and passed his
links to Henry.

Holness can pretend he wasn't involved,
he didn't know. There is not a straight
line between him and the money.

As an astute politician Holness knows how
to get media attention. He's gotten his
meetings gaining more coverage than they
should, but unfortunately for the JLP,
the media is giving equal time to the PNP.

He didn't call elections at the JLP rally
to set up another mass media coverage.

Although he had high ratings shortly
after taking over, his popularity is
slipping badly.

If Bruce would have resigned in
August, and the election held in
October, he'd have won.

Now, interfering in Xmas is not going
to make him popular.

And there's no one he can look at to
blame for his farts.

Monday, November 21, 2011

The Election That Wasn't Called

They flocked the Arena, expecting Andrew Holness
to call the election.

The cameras filmed what looked like 300k
people swarming the National Arena.

Bruce Golding was on stage resigning again.

Unlike his first resignation in Tivoli in
which the Constituents booed, not aware
he was making his goodbyes, everyone knew
this was the last time they'd have to see
their Party President.

Golding must have rhinoceros skin.

It was clear, both at Tivoli and the JLP
Conference that Holness needed the dramatic
stepping on the back of his predecessor to
prove he was in control, and get the
psychological message across.

The humiliation of Golding is complete.
He may now leave the stage.

Holness is not used to attention.
But he loves it.
He loves being on the platform, the
Leader, with his minions at his feet.

He is having an Obama moment.

His speech bounced many topics, as the
crowd waited for him to call elections.

Of course he wasn't going to set the date.

Had there not been the excitement of elections
half or more of the Labourites would not
have been in attendance.

By making it seem that the day would be
announced, sending buses, dropping money
the crowd was swelled.

The next meeting Holness calls will be
as well attended since that will be
where the date is set.

The electorate, which is split 50/50 between
the JLP and PNP will see the huge turnout
and assume Holness is the favourite.

And Jamaicans like to back winners.

Saturday, November 19, 2011

It takes one to know...

When Golding started his 'reign' harping
on 'Corruption' and digging up old and
questionable actions done by various PNP
members; one knew that he would be presiding
over one of the most remarkably corrupt

As any magician one misdirects the focus
of the audience so that we all look at
the left hand while the right hand perform
the trick.

Golding appointed people on the standard
of Dorothy Lightbourne, a puppet who would
do what he asked, and take the fall if his
machinations were uncovered.

How much Holness knew before he took the oath
of office will be uncovered in time.

His getting rid of Vaz and now Henry seem to
suggest he might not have been as much in
the loop as he thought.

We know, for a fact, that MP Hibbert took
bribes. Some of us know that MP Henry is
so filthy that not even a bath in Dettol
will clean him.

The bridge at Harbour View, built by JDIF
is a minor example of corruption.

Firstly, it was begun just before Hurricane
season. That all work was destroyed and
had to be redone added to the cost.

The cost Jamaica will have to pay over the
next decades.

That there was no tender will prove that
bribes were paid. Just as Gabay was able
to get all contracts because they paid Hibbert
the particular Chinese company was accepted
because it paid Henry.

Holness, getting his first taste of power
might very well hand every single one of
Golding's lackeys our to dry; (some in GP)
so as to gain the vote.

If he does get the mandate, if he does
realise how much money can be stolen,
he too will become as fat as Henry.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Retreat to Stupidity

Jamaican Patois is NOT a language.
It is what linguists called a Pidgin.
Like 'Ebonics' it is a haphazard
invention by those who were never
taught English; such as slaves.

Pidgins are made up of mispronounced
or misused words from the dominant
tongue along with replacement words
when one does not know the correct term.

Often there are bits of other languages
mixed into the soup of a pidgin so that
it is not of one piece.

In Jamaica there are a few words from
the Akan dialect; yaaba, fenky-fenky,
bumba, etc. As well as the 'me/wo/oona
which corresponds to I/you/us in English.

Patois was considered the 'slave tongue'
up until 1980.

English was enforced in schools and in
business and those who could not speak it
were looked down upon.

Marcus Garvey, Jamaica's first National
Hero never went beyond primary school, but
spoke and wrote absolutely first class

For Jamaicans to speak standard English
would, as the experiment of the 1970s
proved, allow even the poorest to
attend High School and qualify for
University; and as education was free
the child of Kingston 13 would gain the
space that had been reserved for the
child who lived far above Crossroads.

The upper class, in the 1970s was
devastated when the helper's child
was accepted at the University of the
West Indies, and their child was not.

This is because selection was based on
achievement, not on money.

This had to change.

In 1978 there was a great push to
have Patois accepted as the Natif Langwij.

The poor bought into it.
The rich did not.

Branding on the tongue has been used in
England from the earliest days.

No matter how good someone looked, as soon
as he or she spoke one could 'class' them.

Slaves had been punished for speaking
English so that one could know by voice
the status of the speaker.

Although one might have scoffed and assumed
Jamaicans were far too intelligent to fall
for this apartheid, reality proves the truth.

Jamaicans have bought into Patois as they
did with Cash Plus and Olint, proving they
really are that stupid.

Today, it is very easy to segregate.

The uptown child can speak perfect English.
The uptown child will pass the English exams
and will gain places at the best institutions.

The downtown child can not speak English.
He or she speak the version of Patois in
their district.
The downtown child will fail the English exam
and will not gain a place save at the very
worst institutions.

Never again will the employer suffer the
embarrassment of her helper's son attending
UWI, while hers is discarded.

One would think, watching the descent of
the English pass rate from 23% at the last
G.C.E. exam to it's current 13% at the local
CXC level that the public would be up in arms
demanding their child be taught English.


Patois continues to be enshrined.

Hence, the brilliant young man who can not
speak a grammatical English sentence will
be passed over for the average intellect
who can.

The ex-pat from a low level college will
gain the job that should go, and would go to
a local, if he or she could speak English.

Often, thinking they sound 'cute' or 'clever'
an educated or semi-educated person who can
communicate in English drops into Patois when
pushing forward a point of negligible value.

One will find it, for example, on Facebook
where a response is written in gibberish which
is supposed to be patois.

Some people may try to decipher, most can't be

With Haiti so close to Jamaica, and the
clear evidence of the dangers of speaking
an 'unknown' tongue, one would have thought
that the lesson would have been learned.

The non-French speaking Haitian is condemned
to poverty.

If the upper class has its way
this will hold true in Jamaica.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

Different Face/Same Line

Andrew Holness has the same nose as Bruce
This is not all they have in common.

Both start their Prime Ministerial Journey
pretending to be decent urbane gentlemen
who had proper home training.

I would think if you bought an Acer Computer
and it proved to be a pile of crap, that you
wouldn't buy this year's version.

Yet, the same Veranda sitters who were lauding
Bruce Golding up until the minute of his resignation
have, just like those in 1984 changed
their mouths in mid chant.

"Bruce Golding is the best Prime Minister we
ever had, Andrew Holness is the best Prime

The fact is, the policies of the JLP have
exacerbated every possible disaster that
could have been averted.

To claim that it was the Ponzi schemes
which gave the PNP buoyancy is insane as
many people lost a great deal of money.

It wasn't the Cash Plus or the Olint, it
was that prices were lower and more people
had jobs.

That is the nutshell.

What happened with the JLP was the coagulation
of money in certain pockets.

Jamaica has always had its corruption.

As the years from Independence increase so does
the level of corruption.

If everyone gets a bit of it, fine, they carry
it to the supermarket. If only a small minority
gets it, they carry it to the Benz dealer.

The JLP hasn't a clue how to get the economy
moving. It knows how to fill its pockets.

The recent snafu with Scrap Metal is just the
very tip of the ice berg.

The government 'closes' the trade so small people
are squeezed out, big people continue.

Dan Walker, surprise, surprise, is now running on
the JLP slate.

He's been pretty good over the years in playing
indignant and wrongly accused; especially when
he's guilty.

There was no way that Scrap Metal could have
legally been exported if there was a ban.
No way without Walker granting a license.

This isn't a guy getting free light bulbs and
whatever went on with them; this is a guy giving
contracts to friends while barring non-friends
from engaging in a trade that the Government
demanded stop.

So Tufton runs up his mouth, Walker ignores him
and who's bad?

This kind of mouth saying one thing
to hid the obverse actions is standard.

This was Bruce's signature.
It is also Holness.

Let's face it, Holness, like Golding has
a contempt for the 'little people'. He
is in power to make money and create debts.

Greg Christie might be a victim.

Friday, October 7, 2011

Doily over Stain

Residence in Jamaica requires one not merely read
but absorb 1984.

"We are at war with Eurasia,
we have always been at war with

is the kind of 'double speak' which is normal
in Jamaica, where a Labourite can hail Golding
as the Messiah on Saturday, and cast him to
the pit on Sunday without the slightest blush.

Before Golding resigned one could not say his
shoe was untied before the usual mind dead

After he resigned he was tossed onto the
bone yard, and everything that had been
said against him from 2008 - 2011 was
repeated as if it had always been evident.

With Andrew Holness hailed as the new
Messiah, the Labourites form the line,
and turn their face from a very cheesed
off Bruce Golding.

It was clear to anyone who had seen
Golding on between the day his resignation
was leaked to the media and the day he
made his his resignation speech, (8 Days)
that this was a very angry man.

This was a man who, (unknown to the lumpen)
had been in almost physical conflict with
members of his Party during the year, and
that the polls, which hailed Holness, were
seen by him as insults.

Golding surrounded himself with the kind
of syncophants who insure that his reality
does not match Jamaican reality.

His 'team' was a slapped together botch
of those who had despised him for leaving
the JLP, creating his NDM, then forcing his
way back in, much to the displeasure of
Edward Seaga.

The 'team' was not loyal to Bruce, they
were loyal to Power; and as he was the
'leader' they would be as 'loyal' to him
as they needed be.

They knew, from his entrance into office
and the 'look yonder' style that a lot of
nasty business would be going on.

To focus on PNP scandals as Government
meant that like any magician it was
misdirection; look there not here.

Having appointed Dorothy Lightbourne,
a doddering fool on her best day as
Minister of Justice and Attorney General
insured that Golding would be Minister
of Justice and Attorney General.

He needed this because he knew that
there was an intensive investigation
of the "Shower Posse" which was run
by his campaign manager, Christoper Coke.

Without Coke, Golding couldn't have run
and been elected in Tivoli.

Aware that there might be repercussions
Golding couldn't chance a person of
integrity, so shoved the very round peg
of Dotty into the very square hole of

The indictment was stonewalled, and if
it wasn't that the Police Commissioner's
wife worked at the American Embassy it
would not have been leaked so early.

But leaked it was, for it was beyond
evident that Golding would do all in his
power to avoid extradicting Coke.

Of course, the Coke/Manatt situation was
just one of many acts of corruption.

Joe Hibbert, a trusted MP had been getting
kick backs from an English firm for years.

Questions about another MP, the somewhat
erratic Warmington and the contracts he
received were whispered.

The Garbage collection so vociferiously
proclaimed by Webly, another JLP MP was
proven a lie as TV crews filmed the
pile up.

The costs of things fell under question,
and the number of trusted persons who
embezzled funds, whether at the Ministry
of Finance, the Student Loans Bureau, on
and on.

Golding so believed in his brilliance and
immutable status he strode as a colossus
never appreciating that those behind him
weren't followers but executioners.

It was not until 2010 and the disasterous
Inquiry that those in the JLP gained their
voice, and together decided to force
Golding out.

They knew what the public believed, they
let Golding make a clown of himself with

Holness, a protoge of Eddie Seaga knew
how to create a self-destruct mechanism,
and made sure that while Bruce fell apart
his stock would rise.

Why should Holness have gained the greatest
support of the people?

The teachers hated him, he didn't so one
thing to assist education during his time
in office.

He was not a long time stalwart as Pernel
Charles or a respected Ken Baugh, he was
just there...

Unlike a Paulwell, who during the PNP's term
became the giant killer who defeat C&W, unlike
a young Portia Simpson who would stand in front
of a bulldozer, Holness never did anything.

So how did he gain so much standing?

Statistics are easy to manipulate. Everyone
who takes Sociology 101 can write a treatise
on it.

Where one does the survey is crucial, what
the demographic is; hence taking a survey
in an area which is strong for Manchester
United F.C. will turn up different results
than taking one in Arsenal F.C. territory.

All Holness had to do was get the proper
place, the proper demographics and he would
appear to be the most popular member of
the JLP.

Anyone who writes online knows how to
manipulate hits; knows that traffic is
sent to a site by Google.

If one can hit on the right Search Terms
and sort of seed the path, thousands
maybe millions of people will click on
the site and their click raises the item
higher in results so that the items on
the first page of a Google may not be
the best but have had the most hits.

This kind of self-filling simpleton rally
is the paradigm Holness used.

If the crowd is marching behind him, the
simpletons join the crowd.

Golding saw it coming and couldn't get
out of the way. He was forced out, he
didn't resign; that speech was crafted
for him and as a zombie he read it, word
for word.

Those who had gotten the early copies
of the speech followed along, insuring
he kept to the script.

The special reference to youth almost
gagged Bruce Golding. He was never a
man who thought youth some special
magic in politics.

But the reference was there to guide
the public to Holness as a

"Secret Hideout, 1 Mile"

The Party hierarchs were trotted out
to support Holness, and they dare not
buck the tide.

Mike Henry knew he was going nowhere
but the grave so didn't have to
attend the coven at Terra Nova...
the coven which could NOT be held
at Party Headquarters on Belmont
road due to the large number of
persons in the JLP who were not
supportive of this kind of Holness

For the next weeks Bruce Golding
must pose as P.M. for a Party that
despises him.

And finally he realises it.

Monday, September 26, 2011

The Resignation of Bruce Golding

On Sunday, September 25, 2011, thre was a banner running
along the bottom of the TV screen, stating that
Bruce Golding had resigned.

Then, a Bulletin cut in, the announcers repeating the
same remark in ten different ways.

Reporters on spot were trying to get information, and
there wasn't any.

The final remarks before the Bulletin ended was that
it May be true.

On Monday, 26th, the resignation was confirmed by
reporters shoving microphones into the faces of
members of the JLP who were leaving a meeting.

Let me make a Contrast here.

In 1992, Michael Manley, then President of the PNP
and Prime Minister, called a private meeting at the
conference centre to which members of the Party
were invited in which he announced his resignation to them.

Subsequently, the Nation was personally informed that
he would resign and that inter party elections would be held.

He knew he 'owed' the nation some sort of explanation,
he knew he owed his Party, those who voted for him some
kind of alert so that the first time they wouldn't hear
about it is when someone rang them up. Or they happened
to hear it over the radio.

If anything proves the complete arrogance and corruption
of Bruce Golding it is the manner in which he resigned.

Over 24 hours and he has not seen it fit to make any
statement to the nation as to why. So Speculation reigns.

Some Labourites say it is because the JLP will never win
another election with him as President and Prime Minister.
This is usually followed by silence then some kind of
touting of another candidate for Party President.

Labourites, especially those veranda sitters who are
so far from any connection to the Party they could
live in Trinidad, refuse to appreciate how the
Jamaican people viewed the stonewalling of the
extradition of Dudus, the lies about hiring Manatt,
then the abrupt about face and sending in the army
to murder the people of Tivoli Gardens, Golding's

That Golding didn't see it fit to inform his
Central Committee, his Constituency, his
followers of his intention raises a great deal
of speculation.

Chief among them is the fact that he was
indicted by the same Grand Jury which brought
charges against Christopher Coke as a
'criminal associate'.

Those with good memories may reecall Golding's
threat to sue ABC Broadcasting for slander,
which was quickly forgotten as what they had
reported is true.

That Golding might be resigning as part of a
'deal' formed by the pleading guilty of Coke
is unknown.

What is expected is that after enought people
tell Golding that he is supposed to speak to
the public about his resignation, that he will
come on television and make a bunch of empty
remarks, many not true, then disappear into
the woodwork.

And Labourites, especially veranda sitters,
will sprain their tongues trying to match
pieces which do not fit.

Monday, July 25, 2011

The Bottom is About to Fall Out

As the Jamaica Labour Party took power in 1980 housing prices began to rise.

The market had been ridiculously depressed due to fears that 'communism' was about to arrive and if one had two houses the government would take one and give it to the poor.

People sold mansions in Beverly Hills for the same price asked for a house in Rockfort.

As the JLP took power, prices increased by 100%; and people were buying everything they saw with a 10% down, expecting a rapid turnover.

The house that had been purchased for 45k in 1981 changed hands as soon as the transfer was stamped. Some lawyers slowed the process by fixing money on 90 day calls which were paying 30%.
By the time the purchaser got the house he paid 90k for he could sell it for 240k.

Eventually there was the crash.

The over extended mortgagee could not meet payments because he couldn't get rid of the houses he owned. Others borrowed and left the country; after all, if one had paid 17k for this house which is now worth 4M, get a mortgage and leave.

Banks became the major land holder in Jamaica.
Billions of dollars of property, thousands of dollars of liquidity, and having to pay it out as interest on debentures and other investments.

In the early 90s, banks failed, properties were foreclosed and soon inhabited by squatters. The PNP government created a scheme, which, if intelligently run would have solved the problem.

Of course, being a Kakiscracy, nothing is ever intelligently run in Jamaica.

Squatting was the only way to get land for many people, and so many places turned from Middle Class areas into slums.

In some areas, one house might be captured, the owners of the others would fight to gain a mortgage so as to rent out the premises and live elsewhere or sell, below 'list value' and escape.

In some areas the prices kept going up but there was still buyers. In others it became a joke.

A Valuator, ignoring negative dirt, that is the location of the building and going for how many square foot at how many dollars per foot, insured that vacancy until dismantled by squatters was the result.

Premises in Kingston have stood vacant for thirty years. No one will ever pay more than 10% of the asking cost.

By the 2000s there was a short period of true value.
A house going for 10M was actually worth it.

By 2010 the cost of rental, of purchase became so ridiculous that there is a revolving door of tenents for property which will never be sold.

Persons who assumed they would make the bag on rentals are often out of pocket, because the in and out of renters and the wear and tear leaves many owners with unpaid electricity and water bills, damage and the need to quickly find others to bear the burdens.

With so many houses foreclosed and auctions fetching only a fraction of the so-called value, the time to act is almost over.

Where a land owner of a lot in ghetto which is used as a toilet by the neighbors is 'valued' at 1.8M, (and the only purchase offer received in the past fifteen years has been for 150k) it is clear that the Fantasy which caused the collapse in the late 80s/early 90s is coming over the horizon.

The owner of that lot could probably borrow One Million Dollars. Handing the bank his title, he can happily incur a foreclosure. The Bank, seised of a toilet will never be able to sell it for even half that price.

With money tight, with property overvalued, a defaulting on a mortgage is the wisest investment an owner can make.

The dangers of course, as seen in America, is that when the bottom falls out of housing, when money is difficult to come by, honest mortgagees who lose their job will join the ranks of squatters.

And another financial crisis will engulf Jamaica.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Understanding Bruce

Bruce Golding is one of those people
who can make it up as he goes along...
and believe it.

Listening between the words, catching
the interplays, the story, (as of
March 25 2011...(story may change
if required)
Is that....

Harold Brady came to him with an idea
to hire an American Lobby firm to
assist in the Dudus matter.

Golding, deciding to keep this secret
from everyone, (including his Deputy
PM, the Gen. Sec of his Party,
gave Brady the authority to begin
negotiations with a law firm
called Mannatt, Phelps and Phillips.

According to Bruce, this authority
was done as Leader of the JLP not
as Prime Minister.

Brady made his contacts, describing
himself as a consultant of the
Jamaican Government.

Manatt then announced, on it's web
site, (and in keeping with US laws)
that it was working for the Ja. Gov.

Golding admits now that he had no
idea that a US firm would have to
publicly admit when it worked for
a foreign government, so had
absolutely no inkling that his
Big Secret was available to the

To confirm Brady's credibility
he sent Dr. Robertson, who was
a Deputy General Secretary,
(as well as the Jr. Minister
in the Ministry of Foreign
Affairs; but that was just BTW)
to meet with Manatt.

Robertson did not do this.
Bruce claims he didn't know/
realise/understand why this
did not happen.

Subsequently, via Peter Phillips,
the Manatt connection to the
Ja. Gov. (as appeared on their
Website) was brought to the
floor of the House.

Bruce thought he could get
away with pretending he had
no idea who or what Manatt was.

At the Inquiry, Golding testified
that in March 2010 Not the Minister
of Foreign Affairs, not the Attorney
General, not even the General Secretary
of the JLP knew of Manatt.

There is no reason to tell a
featherbrain like Lightbourne
(Minister of Justice and the
Attorney General) about this
because she didn't need to know.

She hasn't had a thought in her
head for years so would do whatever
Party Leader told her without question.

Others might ask Bruce;


Making themselves unavailable
to be used so could not be used.

Those who would do what Bruce asked
when he asked without asking were
those he appointed.

Putting a Lightbourne at Justice
meant that he was at Justice.

Putting a moron like Dwight Nelson
at National Security meant that
Bruce controlled National security.

Simpletons have use.

The public watches the Inquiry,
just beginning to get the gist.

It is all going to be put on
Brady; obviously.
He's expendable.

Where did the Money come from?

Bruce claims not the Gov and
not the Party;
special contributors
via an account...
Who are these contributors?
Bruce won't say.

Won't admit how many millions
of dollars of Gov. contracts
Dudus had.

Outside of mind dead Labourites
most of the public is seeing the
discrepancies and the confusion
and the lies.

Wondering whether Bruce ran a
'black ops' as he said, or
if Brady really did work for
the Gov....

But the point is; the US,
assuming Dudus a dangerous man,
(according to all the Shower
Posse Hype) thought to hurry
the procedure along.

So did the Police, the Soldiers,
the DPP....

they didn't realise
Bruce would sooner send his
Cabinet than Chris Coke.

Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Search For Truth

KD keeps repeating the phrase...
the Commissioners seem rather confused...

I think those appointed as Commissioners
have been so segregated from the kind of
corruption that exists in Jamaica they can
not believe a Minister of Justice...
and Attorney General....
a Lawyer....
could lie so smoothly, so deliberately.

Lightbourne admitted then denied
an email...
an email she gave instructions be
sent to Solicitor General...

She denied it, so easily because
lying for her is breathing.

Having denied sending an email
the secretary who typed it...
for Lightbourne is incapable of
sending her own email...
must be called

The lawyers for the JLP are twisting
in the wind...trying to discredit..
and failing...
failing because they have been
hung out to dry...

Die Hard Labourites heard the same
evidence the country did
and came to a certain conclusion
that the secretary who typed the
letter was lying...

Despite evidence, despite the clear
fact that Lighbourne lied about when
she knew Bradey, when she sent the
email, whom she spoke to, and whom
she didn't speak to...

Friday, March 11, 2011

The World Watches

A Minister of National Security who can't recall
more than his name,
An Attorney General who doesn't know the law.

Having stonewalled for over nine months
everyone denies knowing Dudus, yet are willing
to spend millions of dollars to prevent his

The world is watching.
They don't think Dwight Nelson's poor memory or
giggles are cute.
They aren't impressed with Dorothy Lightbourne's
lack of legal knowledge.

They know corruption when they see it.

The Embassy/Consular Staff are glued to
the TV set, beaming the Inquiry to
their Capitals.

One wonders if Golding appreciates the
impact this has?

It isn't amusing to see Ministers of
a Government lie. And lie so obviously.

Maybe those who appear before the
Inquiry have such contempt for
the Jamaican people they believe
they can 'get over' with a smirk
and a shrug.

Maybe they don't realise that they
do not appear so cute in D.C. or
Downing Street, or anywhere persons
of a certain level of intellect
and integrity assemble.

The effect of the Manatt/Dudus
Inquiry on Jamaica's prestige
overseas is as devastating as
the tsunami on Japan.

The sadly amusing part is that the
Golding Government doesn't realise

Don't appreciate that look on the
faces of First World countries is

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Dorothy Lightbourne; stooge

Dotty Lightbourne is a poor liar.

Not particularly intelligent for a human
being, nor possessing the erudition of a
clerk of courts, she makes a complete ass
of herself on the Stand.

She looks at laws under cross-examination
which she has obviously never seen before.

She puts forward arguments she must retract,
proving ignorance of standard of proof,
ignorance of the law, she is clearly
unqualified and incompetent to hold the
position of Attorney General.

The tragedy of Dotty is that Bruce pushed
her into a position she is incapable of

Chosen because he needed a tool, a mindless
drone, unable to question, simply to follow
orders and take advice.

A competent attorney, one with some level
of erudition and integrity could not perform
actions which are clearly bad in law, corrupt
and politically motivated.

Dotty, being told by Bruce Golding not to
sign the warrant never bothered herself
to read it.

She said it was 'illegal', 'unlawful'
with absolutely no legal authority
to support her point.

As she sits and reads the law at the
Manatt inquiry it is clear this is a
first for her.

All these gymnastics, which destroy
her credibility as a lawyer, her
integrity as a person, all because
Golding told her not to sign the

There is not a person watching that
Inquiry who can escape the conclusion
that she is person lacking knowledge
of the law.

The more she reads, the more
hesitant her voice, the more shaky
her responses.

She backs and forths, lies, twists,
repeats, then changes her mind.

She tries to behave as if the
U.S. request was clearly wrong
on the face of it, but as she
reads each sentence of the law
her posture droops.

Here is a pitiful stooge, pulled
into a situation far beyond her
ability to manage.

The real point of the Inquiry is
proving to America that the
Golding government is totally
corrupt, willing to do anything
to protect Chris Coke.

Not any citizen, but someone
who is accused of being the
leader of what is the Jamaican

just as Al Capone could never
be arrested or convicted by
the corrupt judges of Chicago
of his day, so to Chris Coke.

If one doubted Bruce Golding
was a Criminal Associate of
Chris Coke, the performance of
his Ministers at the Inquiry
has proven it.

Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Know Not The Man

Jamaica Labour Party Minister after
denies knowing Christopher Coke.
Denies having ever been to Tivoli.

As if asked about some far away enclave
the Minister of National Security looks
into the television camera and lies with
a perfectly straight face.

Apparently, no one knows Christopher Coke.

The same man who held 600 Million Dollars
of Government Contracts via a number of

the same man who was Bruce Golding's
campaign manager during 2007.

The Same man who strode about JLP
Headquarters, attended conferences, was
a member of the BITU, walked in and out
of Ministries as if a visiting dignitary...

They don't know the Man.

The Man they protected to the point
of incurring US Sanction for refusing
to Extradite...

They don't know the Man.

From August 2009 until May 2010
every possible attempt to prevent
the extradition of Christopher Coke
was attempted.

From hiring a Law Firm, to inviting
American dignitaries to tea, to
pretending not to have received the
Extradition request nor able to find
the documents which legitimised it...

All of this...
including the Inquiry....
for a man.

They don't know.

That they would lie to this extent
moves the Inquiry from Comedy into

Do they actually think the Jamaican
People are that stupid?

Yes, there are JLP supporters who have
switched off their brains, adopted Zombie
mode and fight to defend what is

The basic point...

If Christopher Coke was so unimportant,
so unknown...

why did they do everything possible
to prevent his extradition?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Owner of the Brain

A large percentage of Jamaicans receive their
opinions from those who stand in Courtyards
outside of Party Headquarters.

Behind the closed doors of the Conference
Room leaders cut and paste and package.
Those who dwell in the Lobby hear what is
selected for them.

Lobby dwellers race into the Courtyard
to spread what they almost heard about
what they don't know.

Those in the Courtyard advise the Country.
(those in the country who have exiled their
minds to the Party), what their opinions are.

Veranda Sitters, those 'stalwarts' who have
never attended a rally, are not listed in
the Membership of the Party, who may, if it
is not too inconvenient, vote for the Party,
will 'run' with what they heard from someone
who spoke to someone who heard if from someone
who was standing in the Courtyard.

1% of the Jamaican population own fully
operational brains. They know 'how it goes'.
They know about Closed Doors, and Lobby
Lurkers, and the mob which teems in the

1% of Jamaicans do their own research, match
their own facts, make up their own minds.

For this 1% the 'revelations' of the Commission
of Inquiry into the 'Dudus' affair contains
little new evidence.

That Dorothy Lightbourne will be sacrificed
has long been expected.

She and Brady were frills. Only Bruce Golding
and his pet Vaz there is no one in the JLP
government who is not expendable.

The Labourites strangle themselves with
their tongues trying to match what they
heard from someone who heard something
from someone who heard it from someone
who was in the Courtyard contra what is
revealed at the inquiry, contra what they
heard last year.

Behind the Closed Doors on Belmont Road
it was long decided that the corruption
inherent in the Extradition request for
Chris Coke would reach as high as
Lightbourne and stop there.

For the past two years she has known her fate.
She has kept herself aback from National Events,
only occasionally making a fool of herself in

She was appointed Minister of Justice because
Bruce needed to control Justice.

She knew from the day she was offered the
appointment she was to consign her soul to
Bruce Golding. She was to do whatever he
demanded, be it legal or not.

Delroy Chuck was pushed out of the fray, made
Speaker of the House, because he would not
sacrifice his credibility to please a hollow
corrupt man.

Clive Mullins was flung onto the backbench
because he would not interpret the law to
match this season's expediencies.

Only Dotty Lightbourne would sell her
integrity for the meaningless title of
Minister of Justice while the office is
a toy of a man who never attended Law School.

Those who get their opinions prepackaged from
the Courtyard do not know that the next
installment will call for Lightbourne's
resignation, hence they continue to bleat
about what they don't know.

Only those with fully operational brains
under their own jurisdiction can appreciate
that from the moment the extradition request
was received Golding instructed his people
to suppress it.

Only the Commish, whose wife worked for
the American Embassy could not pretend he
didn't know.

That is why he was replaced.

From the moment the extradition request was
received Golding made up his mind to do all
in his power to thwart it.

Not for any legal reason, nor ideas of
rights or nationalism, but because he
was afraid of what Dudus might say if

Golding hired American law firms, had
various off the record meetings, tried
every form of pressure he could use, to
thwart the Extradition.

He was not protecting just Dudus.
There is a lot Jamaica doesn't know about
Bruce Golding, a lot which may be revealed
at the trial of Dudus.

If Dudus lives to trial.

Friday, January 21, 2011

The Civil Service

In other nations, to join the civil service
requires a high level of education.

In other nations one is given a fairly
difficult examination, then ranked before

One simply doesn't reach a position because
she can wide out her leg.

One can come to work every day for twenty
years but is never promoted beyond their
level of competence.

In other countries, the Permanent Secretary
can and does run the Ministry,while the
politician appointed as Minister can posture.

Jamaica, being a kakiscracy does it a bit

The old fling down gals are shoved into
pensionable positions so that the Big Man
can marry his new young wifeypoo without
any danger one of these old tegeregs will
make trouble.

Failed politicians, guys who made big
contributions to the Party, idiot relatives
are shoved into the civil service where
they can be trusted to screw up just
about anything.

In most cases no one notices. Things
drag on in standard confusion. It is
only when 'something happens' and one
of these morons is put on public
display that the world can appreciate
that the civil service of Jamaica is
staffed by people of extremely low
intellect and ability.

If you knew that next week you would
be called to give evidence concerning
a particular matter, you would, no
doubt review all documentation, and
endeavour to remember every thing that
was said, done, by whom, where, when,
and why.

In Jamaica, the most important thing
is hairstyle. You must insure you get
a hairdresser appointment the morning
of your appearance.

In Jamaica, you must buy a new outfit
of a certain standard.

You must have your nails done. You
must select the right jewelry.

This takes up the time where one would
be refreshing their memory so that they
would not make a perfect ass hole of
themselves before the nation.

Of course, when one deals with double
digit I.Q.s, with people who believe
'how it looks' is more important than
'what it is', you can expect that
perfectly coiffed mannequin to find
dates, times, names and places not as
important as the colour of her lipstick.

Had a person of some quality been placed
in the position; a person who know the
terms of service, who was capable of
fulfilling the role, then there would be
no need for the inquiry.

Second rate attorneys wouldn't appear
so astute questioning a person who has
an I.Q. on par with their helper.

What assists the Government in getting
away with all forms of irregularity is
that the persons installed in positions
which previously required the highest
integrity and ability are so substandard
that their evidence can not be relied

The Commissioners can not come to a
judgement based on evidence so fragile
one can not be sure of its veracity.

Golding knows the caliber of persons
appointed. He knows their testimony
is worthless.

This is why he created the Commission.

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

The Manatt Inquiry

There are many documents missing, including
statements from those most involved.

The Commission proceeds on what it has.

The Permanent Secretary, holding herself
tightly, speaking slowly, being asked to
continue after pregnant pauses, paints
the picture those of us who know
"How IT Goes"

A remarkably weak Attorney General; of
course, she never would have been appointed
if she had not agreed to be a mindless
puppet of Golding.

No matter how many attempts have been made
to obliterate the truth,the facts remain.

For those who were unable to connect
the dots in March of 2010, nor in May,
will have them drawn in...
but they will stop
at the Attorney General.

The Permanent Secretary objected to Manatt's
representative being at a meeting.

The Solicitor General, a useful chap for Golding's
purposes, stated that the minster, Lightbourne,
wanted the Manatt representative there.

Twice the P.S. objected.
Twice the P.S. was informed.

This was not a JLP meeting, this was a Gov of
Jamaica meeting; hence Manatt was hired by
the Government of Jamaica.
Not by the JLP.

Golding had tried everything to prevent
Dudus from being extradited, from claims of no
evidence, to inviting U.S. reps to lunch with
his wife.

As America began tightening the
screws, Golding had no choice.

To divert, he had the police invade Tivoli,
as if it were Tikrit, had a lot of people

Unnecessary of course.

But Golding wanted to 'prove' that removing Dudus
would cause trouble.


To put it simply, Bruce owes Dudus
Bruce would do all he could to protect him.
However, when it is Bruce's ass in the clamps,
he will sell his mother for spare parts.

Instead of having the capture done maturely,
so that Dudus would be enroute to NY before
anyone knew he was missing, Golding again
proves why he has more in common with
Henry Morgan than his predecessors.

When Morgan got the chance to be Governor
of Jamaica, he turned in his fellow pirates.

Golding, under pressure from the US, aware his
card house had collapsed, spilled a lot of
blood, unnecessary, to divert attention.

That they were his constituents is why it could
happen, as other M.P.s would not sit idly by and
see their voters decimated.

Which turns me back to the expensive
Commission of Inquiry...

What will the Mannatt inquiry actually prove?

It will prove Golding will sell Dorothy
Lightbourne to protect his backside.

Dottie, being a good little labourite will
take the fall.

The more intelligent Labourites will know that
Bruce lied from day one about hiring the law firm.
But they'll hold it silent.

They'll watch Dottie be resigned.

She has nothing to lose, her integrity
is already in tatters.

She will be seen as an incompetent fool who
acted on her own initiative.

The Solicitor General only 'followed orders',
the P.S. objected.

The Commission of Police has already been
replaced, Harold Brady is a non-person.

About 100 Million Dollars from now the
Commission will condemn Lightbourne, and
Bruce will give a patented blank look.

Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How Squatters Squat

A particular lawyer did a great deal of land

As the majority of lawyers he held client's
money. A great deal of money.

He put this money into Century National
where he got 24% interest.

Until Century collapsed taking all that money
with it.

This lawyer treaded water a bit of time, robbing
Peter to pay Paul.

He cut up the building he owned hoping to sell
bits of it to make up the shortfall before the
wolf was at the door, but alas, the wolf was
there before he could get his finances together
and he went to prison where he died.

One section of his building was sold for 1/2
million less than he had wanted, the other
piece was rented but the business failed and
it was shortly left vacant.

His family didn't see any sense in paying the
enormous sums of Death Duty and then transfering
the property to their names as it was not all
that valuable.

So they hesitated.

After two years when it seemed nothing was
happening, squatters moved in.

The land titles have not been altered since
1958. It would be evident, if there was a
functioning agency, that the property has
been abandoned.

In real countries, abandoned property escheats
either to the Crown or the Government.

In Jamaica, it sits.
It sits until captured.

Some people strip a building pretty bare.
Others set up residence.

Often an entreprenuer claims ownership and
charges rental on property he doesn't own.

So a large lawyer's chambers is now a squatter
settlement and whatever value it might have
had ten years ago, it values nothing today.

This is just one example in central Kingston
of how 'squatters' gain access.

The interesting factor here is that this kind
of property is often sold in London Pubs to
fools who lose their life trying to gain
control of their property.

Saturday, January 1, 2011

New Year's Eve

Mouth can say anything.
Political pimps can paint pictures
and Academic Idiots
quote statistics
but on the ground
is where you find reality.

I can recall years in which I had
six different parties to attend
and en route would be enticed
by other parties
sometimes winding up at a
dance I didn't know about ten
minutes before I arrived.

I can recall the music blasting,
contrasting as two sounds fought
out across a street

I can remember every other house
full of lights and people filling
the roads

In 2010 the song was 'wear what you have'
because no one really had money to buy
anything beyond food and pay utilities.

Xmas passed quietly in Jamaica.
A few carols on the radio, a
few fairy lights here and there
but so few so little one could
miss the season
because there wasn't much of a season.

New Year's Eve

No parties in earshot, the roads quiet
no gaudily dressed people milling and

As midnight approached a few crackers
here and there, but nothing much
and then it was over

People neither have money nor hope.

Few people got Xmas bonuses this year.
Few companies had parties.

People do not have money; those who have
it aren't spending it.

Xmas and New Year's Eve passed quietly
on the Rock.