Thursday, February 24, 2011

I Know Not The Man

Jamaica Labour Party Minister after
denies knowing Christopher Coke.
Denies having ever been to Tivoli.

As if asked about some far away enclave
the Minister of National Security looks
into the television camera and lies with
a perfectly straight face.

Apparently, no one knows Christopher Coke.

The same man who held 600 Million Dollars
of Government Contracts via a number of

the same man who was Bruce Golding's
campaign manager during 2007.

The Same man who strode about JLP
Headquarters, attended conferences, was
a member of the BITU, walked in and out
of Ministries as if a visiting dignitary...

They don't know the Man.

The Man they protected to the point
of incurring US Sanction for refusing
to Extradite...

They don't know the Man.

From August 2009 until May 2010
every possible attempt to prevent
the extradition of Christopher Coke
was attempted.

From hiring a Law Firm, to inviting
American dignitaries to tea, to
pretending not to have received the
Extradition request nor able to find
the documents which legitimised it...

All of this...
including the Inquiry....
for a man.

They don't know.

That they would lie to this extent
moves the Inquiry from Comedy into

Do they actually think the Jamaican
People are that stupid?

Yes, there are JLP supporters who have
switched off their brains, adopted Zombie
mode and fight to defend what is

The basic point...

If Christopher Coke was so unimportant,
so unknown...

why did they do everything possible
to prevent his extradition?

Thursday, February 10, 2011

The Owner of the Brain

A large percentage of Jamaicans receive their
opinions from those who stand in Courtyards
outside of Party Headquarters.

Behind the closed doors of the Conference
Room leaders cut and paste and package.
Those who dwell in the Lobby hear what is
selected for them.

Lobby dwellers race into the Courtyard
to spread what they almost heard about
what they don't know.

Those in the Courtyard advise the Country.
(those in the country who have exiled their
minds to the Party), what their opinions are.

Veranda Sitters, those 'stalwarts' who have
never attended a rally, are not listed in
the Membership of the Party, who may, if it
is not too inconvenient, vote for the Party,
will 'run' with what they heard from someone
who spoke to someone who heard if from someone
who was standing in the Courtyard.

1% of the Jamaican population own fully
operational brains. They know 'how it goes'.
They know about Closed Doors, and Lobby
Lurkers, and the mob which teems in the

1% of Jamaicans do their own research, match
their own facts, make up their own minds.

For this 1% the 'revelations' of the Commission
of Inquiry into the 'Dudus' affair contains
little new evidence.

That Dorothy Lightbourne will be sacrificed
has long been expected.

She and Brady were frills. Only Bruce Golding
and his pet Vaz there is no one in the JLP
government who is not expendable.

The Labourites strangle themselves with
their tongues trying to match what they
heard from someone who heard something
from someone who heard it from someone
who was in the Courtyard contra what is
revealed at the inquiry, contra what they
heard last year.

Behind the Closed Doors on Belmont Road
it was long decided that the corruption
inherent in the Extradition request for
Chris Coke would reach as high as
Lightbourne and stop there.

For the past two years she has known her fate.
She has kept herself aback from National Events,
only occasionally making a fool of herself in

She was appointed Minister of Justice because
Bruce needed to control Justice.

She knew from the day she was offered the
appointment she was to consign her soul to
Bruce Golding. She was to do whatever he
demanded, be it legal or not.

Delroy Chuck was pushed out of the fray, made
Speaker of the House, because he would not
sacrifice his credibility to please a hollow
corrupt man.

Clive Mullins was flung onto the backbench
because he would not interpret the law to
match this season's expediencies.

Only Dotty Lightbourne would sell her
integrity for the meaningless title of
Minister of Justice while the office is
a toy of a man who never attended Law School.

Those who get their opinions prepackaged from
the Courtyard do not know that the next
installment will call for Lightbourne's
resignation, hence they continue to bleat
about what they don't know.

Only those with fully operational brains
under their own jurisdiction can appreciate
that from the moment the extradition request
was received Golding instructed his people
to suppress it.

Only the Commish, whose wife worked for
the American Embassy could not pretend he
didn't know.

That is why he was replaced.

From the moment the extradition request was
received Golding made up his mind to do all
in his power to thwart it.

Not for any legal reason, nor ideas of
rights or nationalism, but because he
was afraid of what Dudus might say if

Golding hired American law firms, had
various off the record meetings, tried
every form of pressure he could use, to
thwart the Extradition.

He was not protecting just Dudus.
There is a lot Jamaica doesn't know about
Bruce Golding, a lot which may be revealed
at the trial of Dudus.

If Dudus lives to trial.